Current questions regarding an old story. The study of religion from the perspective of Social Sciences in Central America
Religion and politics, Christian sociology, Church and social problems, Protestantism, Central AmericaAbstract
Religion permeates politics, economics, society and culture in Central America. Its role can be decisive when it comes to social and political change. This paper reconstructs the research endeavors on the relationship between popular religious movements and social change, carried out by the social sciences in Central America forty years ago. For the first time, there was a reading of the dynamism of the religious field and the transformations of religious consciousness in the context of social and political processes. But this was just a step without continuity.
Today the reality has become even more complex. Pentecostalism is the religious actor that has continued to grow in social and political importance in this region. However, a sociological thinking of religious phenomena from Central America has yet to be constructed. It means developing a framework that makes it possible to integrate efforts currently dispersed to understand the interweaving of relations between religion and socio-political processes.
Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 161, 2023: 25-43.
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