The philosophy in the world today: The actuality of (alter) philosophy


  • Juan Blanco Universidad Rafael Landívar



Decoloniality, coloniality, intercultural Philosophy, Latin American philosophy, indigenous Thought, poscolonial theory


This essay contains both a refection on the colonizing character of a part of Central American Philosophy and an exposition of its alternatives. The predominant philosophy reproduces the logic of “requerimiento”, masking it behind the rhetoric of salvation, modernization and revolution. This logic comes to the world in the Sixteenth Century and has been reproduced ever since through humanities and social sciences. As an alternative, we found the efforts of a thinking beyond the logic of “requerimiento” and its legitimizing rhetorics. The philosophical projects and the modes of refections by Rodolfo Kusch, in Argentina, and Carlos Lenkersdorf, in Southern México, are two models, though not the only ones, that embody an (alter) philosophy. The ongoing colonizing praxis of a “flosofía sin más” give renewed actuality to (alter) philosophies

Realidad: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades No. 148, 2016: 113-141


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Author Biography

Juan Blanco, Universidad Rafael Landívar

Doctor en Filosofía por la Hochschule für Philosophie München, Alemania. La filosofía intercultural y contemporánea, el pensamiento decolonial y latinoamericano, y las tradiciones intelectuales indígenas de la región centroamericana son sus ámbitos de reflexión teórica y de investigación. Actualmente se desempeña como director del Instituto de Investigación y Proyección sobre Diversidad Sociocultural e Interculturalidad de la Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala.



How to Cite

Blanco, J. (2016). The philosophy in the world today: The actuality of (alter) philosophy. Realidad: Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, (148), 113–141.



Thematic Dossier