REICE is the electronic scientific journal of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of UNAN-Managua, has a research academic orientation with a demanding review process by experts and is completely free. The REICE University Magazine accepts the publication in Spanish of theoretical and applied, original and relevant research papers dealing with the areas of knowledge of Economics, Accounting, Finance, Administration, Marketing.

REICE magazine is indexed in the LATINDEX database, it is hosted in the LAMJOL portal, in the REDIB portal (e-Magazines), Dialnet portal, EconBib portal and Nicaragua Magazine portal, in the database of bibliographic data of the Central Library "Salomón de la Selva" of the UNAN-Managua, REBIUN University Library Network

REICE receives on November 5, 2014, recognition for "Best Indexed Magazine", granted by the Vice Presidency of the Republic of Nicaragua, through the Nicaraguan Council of Science and Technology (CONICIT)

ISSN: 2308 - 782X

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 23 (2024): Enero - Junio
					View Vol. 12 No. 23 (2024): Enero - Junio
Published: 2024-07-09

Research Articles

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