Economic Base Of Cooperation Development In Agrarian Product Market In Kyrgyz Republic




economic base of agricultural cooperation, agrarian structure, production and agricultural service cooperation, trade and logistics centres for agricultural products.


The paper aims to describe the potential in building up the economic base of agricultural cooperation development in the Kyrgyz Republic, to propose an organisational and economic mechanism of cooperative relations in the Kyrgyz Republic, taking into account the complex development of agricultural production, logistics infrastructure and cooperation. Cooperation is viewed as an efficient economic mechanism to integrate small agricultural producers into the commodity distribution systems in the domestic and international agricultural food markets. Building on a review of sources describing the potential of cooperation in the modern environment, analyses of the agrarian structure and assessments of the economic base of cooperation, the paper proposes an organisational structure to navigate through the development of an effective agrarian structure, logistics infrastructure and cooperation in the Kyrgyz Republic.The paper is based on the materials from international development organisations, the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic and the findings of some researchers. The makings of the paper may be helpful summarising the international practice of development of cooperative relations, enhancement of institutional conditions and public policies of support of cooperation in the Kyrgyz Republic and should be of interest for a wide research audience in the area of agricultural cooperation.


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How to Cite

Maksimov, A. F., & Ten, A. D. (2020). Economic Base Of Cooperation Development In Agrarian Product Market In Kyrgyz Republic. Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Económicas, 8(16), 344–360.



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