Information Technologies and Reaching to Information Society




Information, Technology, Knowledge Management, Information Society.


The quick development of information and communication technologies has made the countries using these technologies a step forward in the global competition. Thanks to the contributions of the public, private sector and non-governmental organizations all over the world since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been considerable progress in reaching the information society. The age we live in is called the information age. In this society where knowledge becomes power, a lot is expected from individuals. There is a need for individuals who can reach the information themselves, question the information they obtain, use them in line with their needs, and have the ability to think scientifically. In this study, analysis of written documents was used. In this respect, the analysis of written documents and documents is an information gathering method used in the qualitative research to support the information obtained both on its own and the interview and observation.


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How to Cite

Nesip Öğün, M., ÖZNACAR, B., TATAR, A., & DEBEŞ, G. (2020). Information Technologies and Reaching to Information Society. Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Económicas, 8(16), 412–449.



Research Articles