The Impact of Globalization and Digitalization of The Economy on The Development of E-Commerce
Retail trade, Trade organization, E-commerce, Trade service, Service qualityAbstract
Against the backdrop of the globalization and digitalization of the economy, as well as the pandemic and post-pandemic period, the development of e-commerce and the urgency of ensuring the efficiency and competitiveness of online stores have risen. An important factor in the efficiency and competitiveness of a retailer is the satisfaction of customer needs, which is directly contingent on the quality of retail service. In this connection, the study aims to propose a method for assessing the quality of retail service in e-commerce. The presented method relies in the SERVQUAL and SERVPERF, further developing and adapting them to e-commerce minding the specificity of its business model. The authors suggest five groups of parameters for online retail service quality assessment (online interaction, human interaction, reliability, tangibles, and assurance) combining a total of 21 individual parameters. Summary quality indicators are also calculated. Grouping based on perception assessments and significance points to the management approaches optimal for each parameter. The presented method is applicable to competitors, which is almost impossible with the quantitative approach. Furthermore, if needed, the method can be supplemented by quantitative indicators and expert evaluations by online store employees.
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