Estimated diversification level of exports in Nicaragua
Diversification, Exports, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index, Ojiva Index and Entropy IndexAbstract
The paper presents three indexes to estimate the degree of export diversification in Nicaragua. Using annual data from 2000 to 2013 from the Central Bank of Nicaragua. The indicators are calculated on the Herfindahl-Hirschman (hereafter IHH) index, the index Ojiva (hereinafter OJV) and the Entropy index (hereafter ENT).These indexes were calculated by product and business destination, therefore, We´ll have two values for each concentration index: one in relation to the products and the other in relation to trading partners. We conclude that IHH, OJV and ENT indexes, show a rising trend in the level of export diversification depending on shopping destinations. In the case of the level of diversification of exports by product group, the IHH, OJV indexes locate the export to a degree marginally diversified, instead ENT index shows a diversified export sector level.
REICE Vol. 2, No. 4, julio-diciembre 2014: 1-13
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