Factors affecting the enterprise environment to start-up intention of students in the university of economy in the mekong delta, vietnam
Intention to start a business, start-up environment at university, perceived barriers in the startup environmentAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the factors affecting the start-up environment to the entrepreneurial intention of students majoring in economics at universities in the Mekong Delta. Research data is collected from 500 final year students, majoring in economics of 10 universities in the Mekong Delta with a high percentage of students starting a business after graduation. The study was carried out through two phases: qualitative research and quantitative research. Besides, the data analysis method was selected to assess the reliability of the Cronbach's Alpha scale; exploratory factor analysis (EFA); Pearson correlation coefficient test to measure the relationship between variables; linear regression analysis. The research results show, environmental factors including perceived barriers in the start-up environment, environment to encourage entrepreneurship at university and social perception of business owners have an influence on the intention to start a business. students' careers.
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