Risk management in public administration in Ukraine: strategies and tools





management paradigm, public sphere, anti-crisis management, transformation management, sustainable development management


The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the risks faced by management in the public administration paradigm in the context of the unstable socio-political situation in the world and in Ukraine. The methodology of the study is based on the analysis of the socio-scientific discourse on the problem of public administration development in Ukraine since 2020 (the beginning of socio-political instability in the country caused by the pandemic crisis and martial law). Through a combination of general scientific and scientific-sociological methods, an attempt is made to analyse the risks in the public administration system and the role of management in its functioning. The results of the study identify the following priority areas of risk management in the modern Ukrainian paradigm of public administration: crisis management, transformation management, and sustainable development management. Public administration management in Ukraine in the early 20s of the twenty-first century is guided by the synergistic principles of dynamism, flexibility and self-organisation. Thus, risk management of public administration in Ukraine is provides for the synergy of anti-crisis, reform and stabilisation steps in the formation of a strategy for the development of the national model of development of the State and its institutions.


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How to Cite

Bieliaieva , O., Slavkova, O., Dzeha, V., Krasnykov, Y., & Selivanov , S. (2024). Risk management in public administration in Ukraine: strategies and tools. Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Económicas, 12(23), 136–156. https://doi.org/10.5377/reice.v12i23.18282



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