Corporate Enterprise: The Excellence Plan Of Aguas De Cartagena S.A. E.S.P. “Acuacar”
innovation management, organizational climateAbstract
The research describes the derivations of innovation management in the organizational climate through the Excellence Plan of Aguas de Cartagena S.A. E.S.P. - Acuacar, a weekly group space for generating ideas that, without judging their relevance, avoids restricting their free application. This organizational development guideline encourages employee participation; energizes the cooperation and active contribution of all employees; It generates opportunities for improvement, consolidating a strong and apprehensive culture of excellence and dynamic involvement in the company, and ultimately the optimization of processes. The literature review allowed establishing the following hypothesis: innovation management improves the organizational climate. The analysis was carried out from a mixed paradigm supported mainly in the documentary analysis and later in the technique of analysis of the variance based on the data collected in deference to the instruments used. It was found that the Excellence Plan is a space for creativity, innovation and co-creation of knowledge, in short, a successful case of corporate entrepreneurship. Under this background and as a main conclusion, the thesis that innovation management positively influences the organizational climate of ACUACAR is corroborated.
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