Strategic Management, Policies and Educational Quality in the University Context
Management, Strategy, development policies, Educational quality, university.Abstract
The mission of the university education is to fulfill the quality of it through the fulfillment of current administrative processes that seeks to consolidate competent and flexible institutions that adapt to constant changes. That is why the university environment requires a highly competitive staff that translates into more productive beings that crystallize the achievement of the proposed goals. This research had the purpose of describing the Strategic Management, Development Policies and Educational Quality in the University Context whose methodology was quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental transverse design, concluding that the universities studied have faced management processes that have allowed them to achieve a satisfactory educational quality, due to the linkage of strategic management with the development policies that the university provides, following up on the application of models, the legal framework, historical features, equity and interculturality, access, graduation and student satisfaction. Although some progress has been made, its development is limited and it is lagging behind.
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