Characterization of orchidopexy in pediatric patients with undescended testicles




orchiopexy, cryptorchidism, surgery


Objetive: To characterize pediatric patients with orchidopexy due to undescended testis (UDT) treated at the Pediatric Surgery Servis of Hospital María, Pediatric Specialties (HMEP).

Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. The universe was patients with orchidopexy due to UDT, between 2017-2021. A sample of 155 cases was calculated (95% confidence interval CI). Inclusion criteria: patients diagnosed with cryptorchidism by a pediatric surgeon, surgery performed in HMEP. Records with more than 20% incomplete variables were exclude. The study was approved by the HMEP Bioethics and Research Committee. A univariate descriptive data analysis was performed, the nominal and ordinal quantitative and qualitative variables are presented as relative and absolute frequencies.

Results: 257 orchidopexies were performed for UDT, a total 155 cases were included. Preschool age represented 45.8% (71/155) of the patients. The mother´s age at patient´s birth had a mean of 25 years, standard devitation (SD) of 6.0. 3.9% of the patients (6/155) had a history of a first-degree relative with ODD 41.9% (65/155) of the cases were term births, and adequate birth weight in 37.4% (58/155) of the cases, followed by low birth weight in 8.3% (13/155). 18.7% of the children were referred to the pediatric surgeon before 12 months of age. The time elapsed between consultation with a pediatric surgeon and orchidopexy was 55 days (interquartile range: 33-98) for cases from rural areas. All surgeries were scheduled in an outpatient setting, with a mean duration of 52 minutes (SD: 20.3), with right orchidopexy being the most frequent procedure in 40.6% (63/155). 2.5% (4/155) of the patients hospital management for pain control, whit a stay of one day. No complications were recorder in the outpatient post-surgical evaluation.

Conclusion: Orchidopexy is a frequent surgery in pediatric patients, the mean age of the procedure exceeds that suggested by the literature, due to the late referral of the cases. There were no complications in the cases studied.

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Author Biographies

Sergio Estanislao Vélez, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Médico Especialista en Cirugía Pediátrica, Médico Asistencial Servicio Cirugía Pediátrica,
Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Mauricio René Benítez, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Médico Especialista en Cirugía Pediátrica, Jefe Servicio Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Dina Raquel Alvarez, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Médico Especialista en Pediatría, Msc, Epidemiología Hospitalaria. Unidad Docencia e Investigación Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas.

Dilcia Sauceda Acosta, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Msc. Epidemiología Clínica. Directora del Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Médicas y Derecho a la Salud, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.
Unidad Docencia Investigación Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas.

José Jorge Flores, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Doctor en Medicina General y Cirugía, Asistente Quirúrgico, Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas.

Adriana Alvarado Jaar, Hospital María, Especialidades Pediátricas

Doctor en Medicina General, Médico Servicio Social



How to Cite

Vélez, S. E., Benítez, M. R., Alvarez, D. R., Sauceda Acosta, D., Flores, J. J., & Alvarado Jaar, A. (2024). Characterization of orchidopexy in pediatric patients with undescended testicles. Honduras Pediátrica, 36(1), 4–12.



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