Risk profile of deaths from acute myocardial infarction in pre-hospital care: 2017-2019





Acute Myocardial Infarction, Mortality, Risk factor


Background: Myocardial infarction is a global health problem. Knowing the risk proile could contribute to planning interventions, especially in primary care. Objective: To describe the risk proile among those who died from myocardial infarction in pre-hospital care in Florida, Cuba between 2017 and 2019. Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study of 53 deaths from myocardial infarction in pre-hospital care, at the district of Florida, Cuba was carried out. The data were obtained from the registry of deaths, medical records, and the verbal autopsy. Results: Deaths predominate among men 67.9% (36), white skin color 35.8% (19), the age group between 60 and 69 years for 30.2% (16). Acute lung edema represented by 37.8% and heart failure 24.3% were the most frequent complications. Most of the patients died at home 35.9% (19) and 22.6% (12) died in private transportation to hospital. Came from urban areas 56.6%. Arterial hypertension 73.6%, smoking 66.0%, and obesity 52.8% were the most frequent modiiable risk factors. The sum of more than 3 coronary risk factors and a longer arrival time at the hospital had a negative inluence on survival. Mortality was signiicantly higher in patients with ST -segment elevation in 74.2%. Discussion: There was a similar behavior to that reviewed in the literature in terms of risk and time to reach the hospital. Prehospital care is the most critical point in the treatment of IAM.


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Author Biographies

Jimmy Alonso Carballo, Departamento de Atención Médica

Médico Especialista en Medicina General Integral Máster en Urgencias Médicas en la Atención Primaria.

Maidy Martínez Abrantes, Departamento Docente Investigativo

Médico Especialista en Medicina General Integral

Neivys Almanza PuertO, Departamento de Asistencia Médica

Médico Especialista en Medicina General Integral

Yusleikis Martínez López, Departamento de Asistencia Médica

Médico Especialista en Medicina General Integral

Mailyn Herranz Molina, Departamento de Asistencia Médica

Médico Especialista en Medicina General Integral

Mayelín Gómez Gutierrez, Departamento Docente, Policlínico. Ministerio de Salud Pública

Licenciada en Enfermería



How to Cite

Carballo, J. A., Martínez Abrantes, M., Almanza PuertO, N., Martínez López, Y., Herranz Molina, M., & Gómez Gutierrez, M. (2021). Risk profile of deaths from acute myocardial infarction in pre-hospital care: 2017-2019. Revista Médica Hondureña, 89(1), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.5377/rmh.v89i1.11716

