Update in Hearth Failure: New Treatment Guidelines


  • Sandra Marcela Silva Andino Hospital del Sur; Choluteca, Honduras
  • Nery Erasmo Linarez Ochoa Hospital del Sur; Choluteca, Honduras


Heart failure, Natriuretic peptides, Antagonists, Neprilysin and Angiotensin


Background: Recent European and American guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure have been published in the last two years, the evidence in favor of serum markers (natriuretic peptides) is highlighted and a new drug with dual action is published in neprilysin receptors and angiotensin that has shown beneit in morbidity and mortality. Source: A review of the 2016 Guidelines of the ESC (European Society of Cardiology), the 2017 Guidelines of the ACC / AHA (American College of Cardiology / American Hearth Association) and the Consensus of Central America and the Caribbean (2015) was made. on Heart failure; Information was complemented in systematic reviews, meta-analyzes and review articles in PUBMED, EMBASE and Hinari journals between 2001 and 2017. Development: The reader is presented with a summary of current events regarding the use of conventional methods and serum markers in diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure; the indicated drugs and interventions are exposed with greater evidence for their treatment. Conclusions: Measurement of Natriuretic Peptide B is useful to establish the prognosis and severity of chronic HF; inhibition of the renin angiotensin aldosterone system is recommended by ACEIs, ARAII, RNAI in conjunction with beta-blockers and mineralocorticoids in patients with HF with reduced EF for reduction of morbidity and mortality. In patients with chronic HF functional class II or III who tolerate ACE inhibitors or AIIRA, a change to RNAI is recommended for greater beneit.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Marcela Silva Andino, Hospital del Sur; Choluteca, Honduras

Especialista en Medicina Interna, Jefa Emergencia Medicina Interna

Nery Erasmo Linarez Ochoa, Hospital del Sur; Choluteca, Honduras

Especialista en Medicina Interna y Cardiología, Jefe Depto. Medicina Interna



How to Cite

Silva Andino, S. M., & Linarez Ochoa, N. E. (2018). Update in Hearth Failure: New Treatment Guidelines. Revista Médica Hondureña, 86(1-2), 58–63. Retrieved from https://camjol.info/index.php/RMH/article/view/12131

