Overcrowding as a risk factor for acute respiratory infections in children under 5 years in a rural community from Honduras


  • Eduardo Dubón Fuentes MD, Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía


Respiratory Tract Infections, Nutritional Status, Child, Overcrowding


BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) worldwide occupy the first places as a cause of morbidity and mortality, mainly in developing countries and in children under 5 years old. There are several risk factors related to the appearance, evolution and prognosis of these, such as malnutrition, deprivation of breastfeeding, overcrowding among others. OBJECTIVE: To improve the regional knowledge of these diseases that are the main reason for consultation in our country. METHODS: The study was descriptive, cross - sectional and quantitative during February - April 2016, the following variables were used: ARI types, age, sex, weight, height, nutritional status, clinical manifestations, breastfeeding and overpopulation. Conducted in a rural population of 105 children under 5 years in the department of Atlántida, Honduras. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The most frequently presented risk factor was overcrowding; 72/105 children (68.5%) living in overcrowding, a prevalence of malnutrition of 14.2% was observed; Of these children 26.6% had more than 6 episodes of ARI per year compared to 16.2% in children under 5 years with normal nutritional status, it was found that those children who received less than 6 months or no breastfeeding had more episodes of ARI per year. In conclusion, these data shown increase in the incidence of ARI in undernourished children and those in overcrowding, the important role of breastfeeding as a protective factor against infections was observed. It is necessary to develop public policies and strategies for the prevention and reduction of factors that predispose to undergo ARI in children under 5 years old.


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How to Cite

Dubón Fuentes, E. (2016). Overcrowding as a risk factor for acute respiratory infections in children under 5 years in a rural community from Honduras. Revista Médica Hondureña, 84(1-2), 31–35. Retrieved from https://camjol.info/index.php/RMH/article/view/12572

