About the Journal

Focus and Scope

A regular outreach effort to convene national and international specialists affiliated with various institutions, who are distinguished for their novel and unconventional analysis and intellectual production addressing recurring themes of public safety and police work.

An academic and scientific journal bearing frontline and innovative proposals, interesting possibilities, and innovation in topics that are strategic to public security, with high social influence and structural repercussions.


General Objective:
Develop an instrument to collect the product of research on strategic security studies and other scientific research of national, international and institutional specialists to foster a culture of advanced research as well as a strategic culture in the security sector.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Guarantee high quality scientific contributions conducive toward the institutional strengthening of the National Academy of Public Security and its systematic relationship with the National Civil Police and the security community in the country.
  2. Generate cutting-edge proposals, pioneering responses and intelligent design of public security policies.
  3. Produce innovative input and research with high added value to contribute to the educational processes in the police-training model.

A. General Policies
These are the overall guidelines regarding content, scope, principles and objectives of the journal, divided into the following areas:

1. Ethics

  1. Guarantee the protection of personal information of the scholarly collaborators, evaluating peers and other personnel involved in the editorial work.
  2. Promote the search for truth, justice and the common good.
  3. Openness to receiving academic products that are supported by solid scientific evidence, in contrast with created interests.
  4. The publication shall be protected against of interested contributions and other discretionary of institutional nature, prone to circumvent the stated editorial policies.
  5. Inclusion of any scholar will be terminated if found to be guilty of systematic plagiarism (in its various forms: plagiarism and self-plagiarism or other basic academic vices.
  6. Plagiarism will be detected by means of computer tools.
  7. Protection will be provided for evaluation reports and judgments issued by the peer evaluators during and after the review phase.
  8. Intellectual property rights, reproduction and use of materials published shall be governed by the Creative Commons license in the mode as “recognition” (cc by), which will be accepted by the author through the subscription of a Declaration of Originality.

2. Area of intellectual production and knowledge

  1. Material, financial and moral incentives shall be developed and periodically strengthened for the research community in their capacity as academic collaborators, active participant evaluators or other intellectual activities.
  2. The strategic and institutional impact of the published work will be measured on an annual basis, and researchers and authors will be certified.

3. Scientific development and the productive sector

  1. Research practices will promote financial feasibility and high substantial contribution to the current research programs.
  2. Promote research with a strong potential for use in the design of public security policies and high-quality support for decision makers.
  3. Promote strategic alliances with other scholarly and scientific journals in the same branch and area of specialization. Likewise, seek other mechanisms for collaborating where pertinent, and according to international and universally recognized standards.
  4. Design indexes for measuring and evaluating performance, quality and scientific impact.
  5. Encourage strategic safety studies, leading to critical areas of management in the State.

4. Promotion of knowledge

  1. Publish a special edition gathering and organizing indexes of the scholarly work, intellectual collaborators and their professional and institutional relations, and of the evaluators, once the database has been consolidated.
  2. Publish or include in its publications the work of authors who have been published in other scholarly journals and others with whom there are scientific cooperation agreements.
  3. Promote the introduction of this publication into indexed databases for greater visibility and furthering the relationship of our authors with international academia.
  4. Guarantee the dissemination of research products among key country communities and areas of critical activity such as security, defense, intelligence and foreign affairs.

5. Research and teaching

  1. Arrangements are to be made with research teams from other scholarly journals or scientific communities to promote joint research efforts in trans-disciplinary and inter-institutional research. Favoring modalities based on the concept of public-public and public-private partnerships.
  2. Involve at least two professors or officials from the ANSP educational community for systematic contribution of research products for each edition of the institutional journal corresponding with the existing research programs.
  3. Ensure academic freedom of ideas. This condition shall be adhered to in terms of faithful observance of scientific formats and those of other research activities.

6. Administrative Area

  1. Guarantee the stability of the sections and contents of the publication.

Peer Review Process


  1. Each article shall be subjected to a system of peer reviewers; this mechanism is indispensible to ensure their quality and to validate the material’s contribution to this academic and scientific publication.
  2. Evaluation is anonymous and is assigned to experts according to professional competency and specialization in research, which must coincide with the strategic themes that are active in the programs of institutional investigation.
  3. The roster of reviewers is published in each issue under the category “Evaluators of this issue,” located on the credits pages.
  4. A balance is maintained regarding the institutional affiliations of the participating arbiters, establishing a proportionate relationship between national, international, academic, public officials, and investigators with extensive professional record.
  5. Evaluations require two experts as a minimum, and in the case of contrary opinions, a third or fifth evaluator according to the specific formula adopted for the proceedings in this process.
  6. The only products subject to revision and evaluation by peer-evaluators shall be Academic/Scientific Articles, Strategic Studies, and Strategic Assessments.

Four kinds of written documents are accepted from candidates for each issue:

Academic/Scientific Articles: Prepared according to a the IMRD structure (introduction, materials/methods, results, discussion). The preceding must rest on a foundation of author citation, a sustainable theoretical foundation, adequate handling of the issue being analyzed, and an outline of further lines of research pertinent to the issue being addressed.

Strategic Studies: Work aided by non-conventional approaches, supported by disciplines such as strategy, intelligence, geopolitics and foresight; and with levels of strategic recommendations for use in high-level policy making, and for public decision-makers.

Strategic Reports: Documents that originate in the environment of public bureaucracy, identified as grey literature, systematized for potential and practical use by primary and priority target readership. Due to its nature, it shall not be subject to evaluation. Management typologies, internal evaluations, resolutions and other types of institutional planning materials and other relevant literature are referred to this typology.

Strategic Balance: Analytical efforts in terms of quantitative or qualitative condition; whose objective might include a legitimate evaluation; junctures, specific periods, forces in presence, strengths, weaknesses (States, political parties, governing bodies, organizations among others); using methodologies of comparison or case studies.

Note: Other aspects of Evaluation are reiterated and expressed in greater detail in Rules for Publishing.

Editorial Board

Director General ANSP
Jaime Edwin Martínez Ventura

Consejo Académico ANSP (2012-2015)
Jaime Edwin Martínez Ventura (Presidente)
Carmen Yolanda Rodríguez Martínez
Catalina Machuca de Merino
María Lilliam Navarrete de Peraza
Francisco Elías Valencia Soriano
Luis Armando González González
Ricardo Salvador Martínez
Jaime Leonel Granados Umaña (representante del Director General de la Policía Nacional Civil)

Subdirector Ejecutivo ANSP
Comisionado José Manuel Olivares Rivera

Coordinador Principal del CINC-ANSP
Juan Carlos Morales Peña

Coordinador de Investigaciones y Estudios
Juan Carlos Morales Peña

Editor Jefe Revista “Policía y Seguridad Pública”
Juan Carlos Morales Peña

Editor Asistente
Augusto Rigoberto López Ramírez

Administrador de página web y revista virtual
Carlos Roberto Escobar Beltrán

Equipo CINC
Yesenia Elizabeth Delgado Hernández
Ana Jeannette García Valiente
Augusto Rigoberto López Ramírez

Colaboradores Internos
Aleida Esmeralda Linares Castillo
Álvaro Augusto Vejarano Anzola

Colaboradores Externos
María Stella Baracaldo Méndez

Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública

CG & A Translations

Corrección de Estilo

José Mauricio Ponce Martínez

Diseño Original Logo CINC-ANSP
Juan Carlos Morales Peña

Dibujo y Arte Logo CINC-ANSP
Christian S. V. Salazar Alvarenga

ISSN 2225-5648 (print)
ISSN 2523-6253 (online)

The opinions expressed in this journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not represent institutional positions of the Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública.

Creative Commons Licence
Articles in the Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública are Open Access articles published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY 4.0 license.

This license permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

© Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública

© Centro de Investigación Científica CINCANSP

Editorial Scientific Committee


Dra. Xiomara Avendaño Rojas (Nicaragua)
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de El Salvador

Dr. Benjamín Badura (Alemania)
Universität Potsdam, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales,

Dra. María Stella Baracaldo Méndez (Colombia)
Secretaría de Gobierno del Departamento de Cundinamarca,

Msc. Francisco Javier Bautista Lara (Nicaragua)
Centro Nicaragüense de Escritores, Nicaragua

Dra. Francisca Cano (España)
Universidad de Barcelona, España

Dr. Harald Fuhr (Alemania)
Universität Potsdam, Alemania

William Godnick Ph. D. (Estados Unidos de América)
National Defense University,
Estados Unidos de América

Dr. Michael Gold-Biss (Estados Unidos de América)
National Defense University,
Estados Unidos de América

Lic. Santiago Herrero Blanco (España)
Policía de la Generalitat – Mossos d’Esquadra,

Dr. Ely Karmon Ph. D. (Israel)
International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT)
and The Institute for Policy and Strategy (IPS) at
The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC),
Herzlyia, Israel.

Dr. Günther Mainhold (Alemania)
German Institute for International and Security Affairs,

Dra. Roxana Loubet Orozco (México)
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México

Consult. Sebastián Ovejero (Argentina)
Programa de Investigación Aplicada en Seguridad y Operaciones,
Strategic Support,

Dr. Lluís Paradell Fernández (España)
Policía de la Generalitat – Mossos d’Esquadra,

Dr. David Spencer (Estados Unidos de América)
National Defense University,
Estados Unidos de América

Dr. Waleed Saleh Alkhalifa (España)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Dra. Sonja Wolf (Alemania)
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE),

Mtro. Eduardo Raúl Balbi (Argentina)
Red Escenarios y Estrategias en América Latina,


Sub Comisionado Juan Carlos Arévalo Linares
Policía Nacional Civil

Sub Comisionada Karla Guadalupe Andrade
Policía Nacional Civil

Dr. Carlos Alberto Carcach
Centro de Políticas Públicas, Escuela Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN)

Lic. Pedro Antonio Escalante Arce
Academia Salvadoreña de la Historia

Mtro. Juan Ricardo Gómez Hecht
Colegio de Altos Estudios Estratégicos (CAEE), Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional

Msc. José Antonio Guzmán Cardona
Departamento de Investigaciones, Instituto Especializado de Educación Superior Academia
Nacional de Seguridad Pública (IES-ANSP)

Dr. Carlos Gregorio López Bernal
Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de El Salvador

Dr. Antonio Martínez Uribe
Asesor de la Secretaría Privada, Presidencia de la República

Dr. José Humberto Morales
Facultad de Jurisprudencia y Ciencias Sociales,
Universidad de El Salvador

Mcp. Juan Carlos Morales Peña
Centro de Investigación Científica, Academia
Nacional de Seguridad Pública (CINC-ANSP)

Comisionado José Manuel Olivares Rivera
Subdirección Ejecutiva, Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública

Sub Comisionado William Riquelmi Padilla Mirón
Unidad de Planificación Institucional, Academia
Nacional de Seguridad Pública

Lic. Eduardo Sancho Castañeda
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación,
Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Dra. Mirna Victoria Quinteros
Doctorado en Derecho, Universidad “Dr. José Matías Delgado”

Msc. Leonardo Ramírez Murcia
Magistrado de la Sala de lo Penal, Corte
Suprema de Justicia

Lic. Martín Rogel Zepeda
Juzgado Tercero de Sentencia y Magistrado
Suplente de la Sala de lo Constitucional,
Corte Suprema de Justicia

Reviewers for this issue


Dra. María Stella Baracaldo Méndez (Colombia)
Secretaría de Gobierno del Departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia

Dra. Francisca Cano (España)
Universidad de Barcelona, España

Mtro. Álvaro Cremades Guisado (España)
Universidad Nebrija, España

Dr. William Andrés Hoyos Arango (Colombia)
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud,
Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado, El Salvador

Consult. Sebastián Ovejero (Argentina)
Programa de Investigación Aplicada en
Seguridad y Operaciones, Strategic Support,


Dr. Carlos Alberto Carcach Ph. D.
Centro de Políticas Públicas, Escuela
Superior de Economía y Negocios (ESEN)

Dr. Elner Crespín Elías Ph. D.
Instituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación,
Universidad Francisco Gavidia

Dr. Carlos Erwin Franco Portillo
Subdirección de Investigaciones, Policía Nacional Civil

Mtra. Brenda Ileana Gallegos López
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de El Salvador

Msc. José Antonio Guzmán Cardona
Departamento de Investigaciones, Instituto
Especializado de Educación Superior
Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública (IES-ANSP)

Mtro. Juan Ricardo Gómez Hecht
Colegio de Altos Estudios Estratégicos (CAEE),
Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional

Dr. Carlos Alfredo Molina Batlle Ph. D.
Consultor independiente

Msc. Leonardo Ramírez Murcia
Sala de lo Penal, Corte Suprema de Justicia

Lic. Luis Ernesto Rodríguez
Policía Nacional Civil

Mtro. Álvaro Augusto Vejarano Anzola
Departamento de Servicios Privados y
Estatales de Seguridad, Academia Nacional
de Seguridad Pública

Sub Comisionado Douglas Elenilson Zometa
Policía Nacional Civil

Declaration of Originality

This instrument is mandatory and its purpose is to certify the academic or intellectual work of author(s) is unpublished and original. It also clarifies that this is in accord with the corresponding authorizations required for publication.

Document Title:


By means of this declaration, I certify that I am the author of the article/document I am submitting for possible publication in the academic and scientific journal “Police and Public Safety” by the Scientific Investigation Center at the National Academy for Public Security.

I consent that my article be submitted to review by an editorial group, and I likewise accept that the improvements derived from the opinions of the pair of evaluators are mandatory and an indispensible prerequisite for it to be viable for publication.

Therefore, I attest that the sources utilized in the document are duly cited, they adhere to the norms for publication required by the journal “Police and Public Security,” and the aforementioned document has not been simultaneously proposed in another scientific publisher, and that there are no prior editions in print, neither is it an improved or expanded version of an original.

I confirm that in case of an improved or expanded version of a previously published original, I commit to submitting them jointly for analysis and revision by the editorial group.

This declaration also bears assurance that all content in the document is free to be rendered to a process of claim or dispute regarding intellectual property rights, exempting the Scientific Investigation Center of the National Academy for Public Safety of any responsibility in this regard. I authorize the revision, through specialized software, of my proposed article; with the purpose of detecting any plagiarism try, as a main requirement for its publishing.

If approved, the document:


in the interest of its publication and dissemination, as author(s), proprietor(s) expressly indefinitely authorize the National Academy of Public Security its editing, reproduction, translation, distribution, exhibition and dissemination at the national and international level, by electronic means, CD rom, in print, or other known media.

The above is regulated by the Creative Commons license in its ¨recognition¨ modality (cc by); I accept that condition through the article postulation and the subscription to the present declaration, which is going to be effective if the article is published (the licensing terms can be checked in the link below: http://www.lamjol.info/index.php/RPSP/about/editorialPolicies#openAccessPolicy)

Finally, I (we) accept the benefit of receiving one (1) copy of the journal that includes my document; likewise, in case there are several participants, the same number will apply for the lead researcher and one (1) copy for every co-author.

I affix my signature to this declaration, as evidence of acceptance of everything heretofore exposed, on the __ day of the month of _______ of the year ____, in the city of ______________, in (country) ______________.

 (Signature): _______________________

Full Name
Identification number

Note: A scan of this document is to be sent along with the article being submitted to the following e-mail address: revista.seguridad@ansp.edu.sv, and at the same address a digital file can be requested for completion.

Subscription information

To subscribe to Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública please contact:

Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública - Centro de Investigación Científica Avenida Melvin Jones, Frente a Parque San Martín, Santa Tecla, La Libertad El Salvador, América Central
Tel.: (503) 2565-6667.


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Central America and Caribbean: $15.00
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