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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines


A. The Journal “Police and Public Security” publishes original academic and scientific papers that have never been published, or were published once in a limited public medium; and, that have not been simultaneously submitted to any other publication. The author(s) must certify this in a written declaration of originality. Additionally, it includes book reviews, biographical work, official documents, institutional papers and historiographical essays on the theme of each issue.

B. The Objective of the Publication overall, and its specific objectives include the promotion of a culture of research, high quality scientific contributions, frontline proposals, innovation and added value; all conducive to strengthening the institution and the educational process.

C. Supervision of Academic Work. In this regard, submissions of two types are identified, each with its methodology:

  1. Proposed Articles, that is, those that have yet to be prepared, must follow current investigation programs, and the concept that has been defined for each issue of the institutional journal. These will include a 150-word abstract, list of key words, and a 900-word general outline of the content in preparation, which will be submitted to the editorial group at the Scientific Investigation Center for consideration and subsequent rejection or approval.
  2. All academic papers or final studies shall be submitted to a system of assessment based on pairs of reviewers. This is a confidential process, whose resolutions and results will not be revealed, under strict compliance with the publication ethics policy; these will be shared solely and strictly with the author or authors involved. For their part the reviewers will be unaware of the identity of the author whose work is the object of review.
  3. The phases of the aforementioned process include: receiving articles or studies that are candidates for publication, forwarding the documents to peer reviewers with the respective documentation (official invitation letter, document to be evaluated, F-1 form to identify the relevant scientific information, F-3 form to prepare the resolution, and F-6 form to manage the electronic draft); the editorial group receives and consolidates the results, observations and improvements are relayed to the authors, improved documents are received, followed by verification of compliance with the results of the resolution of the editorial group. If the aforementioned has been observed, the document passes to style correction and editing, and is subsequently translated into English.
  4. Academic works or papers with a negative evaluation by both reviewers will not be published. Neither will those papers which, having passed the evaluation phase and enjoying favorable results derived from the respective resolutions, do not comply with the improvements that are established as mandatory in nature.
  5. Another recourse is the figure of a third reviewer, in case there are different results in the resolutions from the first two reviewers. The viability of the document will depend on the new determination and subsequent compliance with the requirements.

D. Coverage of theme. “Police and Public Security” accepts investigations focused on police and security issues in the broadest sense of the concept. It directs its attention to the strategic work that deals with: violence prevention and citizen coexistence, studies regarding the future and management of complex security environments, intelligent design of public policy, and police human resources; these are implemented specifically through research programs that provide the framework for the submissions for each issue.

E. Target audience for Police and Public Security: public officials in general, police and military leadership, accredited diplomats who are active and in the foreign service, security researchers, scholars from different disciplines, political, and business and social leaders.

F. Regarding frequency. “Police and Public Security” is published twice a year.

G. Editorial guidelines

  1. Papers must be submitted in Spanish.
  2. Papers and proposals are to be sent to the following e-mail: revista. to the Main Coordinator of the Scientific Investigation Center at the National Academy of Public Security.
  3. Submissions that are accepted will be made available to the CINC-ANSP editorial group who will authorize or reject them according to the case.
  4. The papers submitted by collaborators must be recent, original and unpublished. This will require a letter signed by the author, a declaration of originality that must be attached to the submitted material.
  5. The editor shall not be responsible for damages or loss of material sent.
  6. It is understood that the mere act of presenting a submission to the ANSP’s Scientific Investigation Center confers the institution authorization to publish, reproduce or publicize it; the former is to be understood as being for academic purposes, not for profit; which will be regulated by Creative Commons license (cc by).
  7. The authors must likewise submit their completed resume, with a mail address, and e-mail, telephones and other pertinent contact data.
  8. The Scientific Investigation Center and the Scientific Editorial Council for the institutional journal “Police and Public Security” will not be responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors in the published work.
  9. Submission length should be no less than 20 nor exceed 40 pages. Longer papers may be accepted prior approval and authorization of the editorial group, as long as the extension does not compromise the number of pages of the journal.
  10. The paper format will be letter-size and single spaced; top and bottom margins: 2.5; and left and right margins: 3.00. Font: Arial, Font Size: 12.
  11. Inner titles will use decimal numbering (1, 1.1…). It is advisable that there be no more than two internal title levels.
  12. You are requested not to use automatic numbering of titles and sections, because the programs for diagramming and layout do not recognize them.
  13. The text may contain tables, but the graphics, diagrams and figures will be presented in separate files (as an image or Excel/spreadsheet template). The text will contain indicators for their placement.
  14. Quotes or transcriptions of texts not written by the author will be in quotes and straight letters (Regular), except any part the author wishes to highlight or when the original is in cursive. If it consists of more than three lines, it is convenient to put them in a separate paragraph.
  15. Bibliographic references will be included in the endnotes, and reference will be made to them in the body of the text using the APA system.
  16. Footnotes and comments may be included, not to exceed 10 lines; the use of the multiple-author form is discouraged due to difficulty in locating the work, which is the purpose of bibliographic references.
  17. All pages are to be consecutively numbered.
  18. Page 1 must contain the following information:
    • Title of the article.
    • Name of the author.
    • Institution to which they belong.
    • Summary not to exceed 150 words (single space, Arial font, size 10).
    • Key words (3 to 8).
    • The author must present a biographical paragraph not to exceed 10 lines, including: principal academic training, relevant institutional affiliations, and most significant research and publishing efforts.
    • E-mail as pertinent, and to facilitate contact.
    • A 20–25 word micro extract, that is to be a qualitative synthesis of the paper.
  19. The texts must be submitted in Word software.
  20. The tables must be prepared and submitted in Excel software.
  21. Pictures or scanned images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  22. All of the figures, diagrams and pictures must be submitted in digital form, as JPG or PSD (Photoshop) files. Other formats, including handmade, shall not be considered.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.