New criminal empowerment and global challenges for the States of the Northern Triangle in Central America and for Mexico


  • Juan Carlos Morales Peña Centro de Investigación Científica, Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública



state, criminal organization, sovereignty, non-polarity, governance, strategic intelligence, state immune system, selective neglect


The purpose of this study is identifying and scaling all the dynamics that mediate the relationship between the state and the criminal organization. Also, the way this fits into the context of economic globalization, evolving along with processes that are disaggregating competencies that have made its historical development more complex and caused it to collide with the empowerment of new non-state stakeholers vying for jurisdiction and influence in various aspects such as territorial presence, local economy and social control. In this sense, the study exposes the actions and omissions of the State as the main inputs generating the present adverse security environment throughout the Mesoamerican area. This is collected systematically in a synthesized working hypothesis.

The challenge lies in exploring the likely thresholds for reconstituting the immune system of the state construct, as an indispensable resource in the fight against criminal powers. Considering it a general effort, this extends to its ability to adapt in real and virtual environments that constantly undermine the attribute of the sovereign state.



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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Morales Peña, Centro de Investigación Científica, Academia Nacional de Seguridad Pública

Estudios superiores en Relaciones Internacionales, Magíster en Ciencia Política y Postgrado en Gestión Científica. Ha sido catedrático en la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad de El Salvador), en el Colegio de Altos Estudios Estratégicos (Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional) y en el Programa de Maestría en Ciencia Política (Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas”). Investigador en materias de seguridad y defensa. Actualmente funge como coordinador principal del Centro de Investigación Científica de la ANSP y Editor jefe de la revista institucional “Policía y Seguridad Pública”.



How to Cite

Morales Peña, J. C. (2014). New criminal empowerment and global challenges for the States of the Northern Triangle in Central America and for Mexico. Police and Public Security Journal, 1(2), 195–270.



Academic Articles