Civil insertion, political struggle and post-war criminality: The Frente Norte 3-80 (FN 3-80) in Nicaragua


  • Verónica Rueda Estrada Unidad Académica Playa del Carmen, Universidad de Quintana Roo



Ex-combatants, demobilization, rearmament, criminality.


This article expounds on how Nicaraguan armed groups were born and carried out their activities throughout the post-war era (1990-1997). They are initially addressed
in a descriptive fashion, to then proceed into an analytical study that takes an in-depth look at the Frente Norte 3-80 (FN 3-80), an important Recontra group headquartered in Quilalí, Nueva Segovia; as well as other armed groups splintered from Frente Norte which are also later analyzed. The demobilized elements of this group were characterized by closely
tracking their activities through existing journalistic material, as well as based on interviews offered by the members themselves: therefore identifying those that decided to rearm as a way of exerting pressure over the ongoing negotiations to ensure more benefits towards
their reinsertion back into the workforce; those that used said armed groups as a means towards political ends, even by their own leaders; and finally, the ex-combatants that at being unable to successfully reinsert themselves back into society, opted on making crime their way of life during the post-war. This rearmament presented a serious social, economic and political problem for Nicaragua, and its roots can be found in the violent stabilization policies implemented by the Government of Violeta Barrios; however, this article
focuses on the passage from a military life back into a civilian lifestyle immersed in poverty, as well as the emergence of criminal groups under the shadow of an inefficient civil insertion process.

Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública 5(1) 2015: 353-414


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Author Biography

Verónica Rueda Estrada, Unidad Académica Playa del Carmen, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Maestra y Doctora en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la UNAM. En 2010 realizó una estancia posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS-UNAM) sobre la violencia de la posguerra en Centroamérica. Es Profesora-investigadora en la Unidad Académica Playa del
Carmen de la Universidad de Quintana Roo, México. Sus líneas de investigación son: Historia de Nicaragua y posguerra en Centroamérica, así como Historia, migración y comportamiento político en Quintana Roo.



How to Cite

Rueda Estrada, V. (2015). Civil insertion, political struggle and post-war criminality: The Frente Norte 3-80 (FN 3-80) in Nicaragua. Police and Public Security Journal, 5(1), 353–414.



Historiographical Studies