Community social control in Cuba and its implications for public safety


  • Jorge Luis Barroso González Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas



Community social control, public safety, people’s organizations


This article discusses how the community social control in Cuba is materialized through grassroots organizations involved in such activity. It is not an empirical research, but rather a reference article, that describes the experience of Cuba in community social control. Thus the content of this article can serve as a reference for other countries engaged in the fight against crime and the consequent insecurity suffered by their citizens. The main Cuban social organizations, their characteristics, relations with the state, legitimacy, resources and participation mechanisms, as well as aspects that favor and hinder community social control are analyzed. Finally, the changes experienced in the social reality of Cuba are described, to which the system of grassroots organizations should adapt. While the Cuban experience in community social control can and should be perfected, there is no doubt that today Cuba can show the world, or at least many Latin American countries, a result that should be taken into account.


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Author Biography

Jorge Luis Barroso González, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas

Profesor Auxiliar del Departamento de Derecho de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV). Máster en Desarrollo Comunitario. Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas. Investigador y jefe de proyectos investigativos relacionados con el control social de la antisocialidad y la delincuencia, y la resocialización de los sancionados penalmente. Profesor Invitado de la Universidad de Managua, Nicaragua. Miembro del claustro de las Maestrías en Desarrollo Comunitario, y en Ciencias Penales y Forenses, ambas de la UCLV. Ponente en eventos nacionales e internacionales vinculados al Derecho Penal, la Criminología y el Desarrollo Comunitario. Autor de libros, artículos y monografías publicados tanto en Cuba como en revistas de Argentina, Colombia, Brasil, España y México.



How to Cite

Barroso González, J. L. (2016). Community social control in Cuba and its implications for public safety. Police and Public Security Journal, 6(1), 127–164.



Academic Articles