The arrival of “Maras” into Cataluña


  • Santiago Herrero Blanco Policía de la Generalitat - Mossos d’Esquadra



Maras, gangs, Cataluña, España, police, media outlets


The “Maras” arrival was one of the main threats linked to the presence of the first youth gangs of American origin in Spain during the mid 2000’s. The levels of violence, as well as the criminal activity they were involved in throughout Northern and Central America, as well as their well publicized intent to expand throughout Europe seemed to be finally confirmed. The shocking nature of some of their members, as well as the levels of extreme violence which have been displayed by Maras, have managed to lock the attention of the media outlets who have in turn bestowed upon them a special attention, that in the ajority of cases has been translated into alarmist and sensationalist messages. Nonetheless, over the course of time this risk does not seem to have truly reached its estimated potential. Both Mara Salvatrucha as well as Barrio 18 did indeed arrive, but far from taking over the territory, sowing violence and replicating their criminal conduct on Europe’s side of the Atlantic, the authorities have been
able to curb their activities and they’ve yet to become the critical social or criminal crisis that was originally expected.

Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública 5(1) 2015: 75-102


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Author Biography

Santiago Herrero Blanco, Policía de la Generalitat - Mossos d’Esquadra

Licenciado en Derecho (2003) y en Criminología (2007) por la Universidad de Barcelona, además de otros estudios universitarios relacionados con la seguridad. Funcionario de la Policía de la Generalitat–Mossos d’Esquadra desde1998. Desde el año 2004 realiza el seguimiento de los grupos juveniles o pandillas en Cataluña. Ha impartido formación y realizado ponencias, comunicaciones e intervenciones sobre la temática de los grupos juveniles en múltiples foros, tanto en el contexto catalán como en el resto de España, y en el ámbito internacional.



How to Cite

Herrero Blanco, S. (2015). The arrival of “Maras” into Cataluña. Police and Public Security Journal, 5(1), 75–102.



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