The Ciudadelas de Paz project. An alternative for habitat building from the cooperative model in the colombian reconciliation process




Rural habitat, cooperativism, reincorporation, post-conflict, participatory architecture


The article focuses on the possibilities offered by the cooperative construction of the habitat as a model for the reincorporation of the peace signatories in the Colombian post-conflict, taking as a case study the Old Territorial Space for Training and Reconciliation - AETCR (Antiguo Espacio Territorial de Capacitación y Reincorporación) of Tierra Grata in San José de Oriente-Cesar. Through an academic work that has involved different research groups around the production of habitat through participatory design, it investigates the challenges, possibilities, instruments and advantages of building common spaces, complementary to housing, for the Citadel of Peace on Tierra Grata place in El Cesar, where the community finds reintegration scenarios through the cooperative exercise of architectural production, responding to the need to consolidate itself in civil life, where the signing of the peace agreement is 2016. Through the proposal of technical support from the academy to the cooperative dynamics of the community, their knowledge and associative capacity were privileged as a starting point for the design of the "Materials House" as part of the productive units of the ETCR, seeking to provide elements that nourish the decisions on the way in which the territory is occupied in a new way of inhabiting, with which to identify the aspects that can favor or on the contrary hinder the process, verifying the benefits of the cooperative model and at the same time the barriers derived from the lack of an institutional model that understands and promotes the needs of rurality both in the case of reincorporation and in general for all the territories of the country.


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Author Biographies

Angélica Chica Segovia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Arquitecta de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, especialista en patología, conservación y rehabilitación de edificaciones de la Universidad de Le Havre y la Escuela de Arquitectura de Rouen, PhD en Arte y Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, investigadora y consultora en construcción, patología, rehabilitación y conservación. Docente de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, de la Maestría en Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural Inmueble y de la Maestría en Construcción de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Ramón Bermúdez Obregón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Arquitecto desde 2007 (Uniandes), con especialización en vivienda (ICHAB-ETSA Madrid) y candidato a Magister en Diseño Urbano en 2023 (UNAL Bogotá). Es profesor invitado en la UNAL desde 2015 en donde ha dictado varios cursos en pregrado y posgrado. Vale la pena destacar la investigación de Ciudad Isla, un taller vertical que se convirtió en exposición en el museo Leopoldo Rother en 2019 y actualmente está desarrollando una investigación en conjunto con la ETH de Zúrich y la ENSAV de Versalles a través del curso Arquitectura para la Reconciliación, cooperativas de vivienda en el postacuerdo.



How to Cite

Chica Segovia, A., & Bermúdez Obregón, R. (2023). The Ciudadelas de Paz project. An alternative for habitat building from the cooperative model in the colombian reconciliation process. Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 5(9), 137–159.


