Obituary. Johan Galtung, The Professor




Obituary, Johan Galtung, Peace and Conflict Studies, life and work


Johan Galtung (Oslo, 1930 - 2024) was one of the most influential and prolific academics in the world: his intellectual performance in the 1960s led to the birth and development of Peace and Conflict Studies. The multiple and relevant contributions made by the author were key to shape the theoretical and methodological corpus of an incipient discipline that, after fifty years of work, has become an unavoidable reference for the construction of a dignified and just world for all. Galtung's vast academic production includes more than 100 books translated into dozens of languages and more than 1000 published articles. His legacy dwells in each of us, subjects committed to peace building and nonviolent conflict transformation.


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Author Biography

Fernando Montiel T., Galtung Institut

Licenciado en Política y Relaciones Internacionales por la London School of EconomicsUniversity of London (Reino Unido), Maestro en Estudios de Paz y Transformación de Conflictos por la Universidad de Basilea (Suiza) y Doctor en Estudios Humanísticos por el Tecnológico de Monterrey (México). Co-autor de The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford University Press, 2010); Coordinador del manual Construcción de paz: Una aproximación interdisciplinaria (ITESM, 2015) y co-autor con Johan Galtung del manual Hacer Paz: Mediación–Diálogo–Creatividad (Transcend University Press. 2017) entre otros. Por veinte años se desempeñó traductor al español y editor de la obra de Johan Galtung, de quien también fungió como representante para América Latina.



How to Cite

Montiel T., F. (2024). Obituary. Johan Galtung, The Professor. Latin American Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, 5(10), 121–126.


