Successions of vegetation for ecological restoration purposes in the upper part of the Chamalucuara Micro-basin, Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras




Floristic diversity, ecological structure, shrub vegetation


This article evaluated the plant succession process by determining its structure at the level of latizales and fustales in the upper part of the Chamalucuara micro-basin located in the municipality of Siguatepeque, Honduras. A mixed approach was used, systematically selecting two sites with circular plots of 500 m2 in an area of 15.2 (A) and 20.9 (B) ha with a confidence level of 95%. Each plot with a radius of 12.61m that allowed determining the Importance Value Index (IVI) in each site. Likewise, Simpson dominance indices, Shannon - Wiener diversity, correspondence analysis and species accumulation curves were established. Soil samples were taken in each plot and macro and micronutrients were analyzed in the FHIA laboratories. The Simpson dominance results in both sites were 0.77 (A) and 0.6 (B), however, the Shannon - Wiener indices were 1.63 (A) and 1.12 (B). On the other hand, the similarity index of Sorensen was 58.82%. The study concluded that the IVI was 23.33% for Liquidambar styraciflua L. at site A and 24.14% for Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl at site B. Dominance at both sites was significant, however diversity does not appear to be encouraging at site B.

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How to Cite

Orellana Canales, W. E., Ochoa Cervantez, D. O., & Eguigurems, J. H. (2023). Successions of vegetation for ecological restoration purposes in the upper part of the Chamalucuara Micro-basin, Siguatepeque, Comayagua, Honduras. TATASCÁN, 31(1), 9–21.



Scientific articles