Local drug markets crimes in Costa Rica: Keys analytics for understanding


  • Rodolfo Calderón Umaña Costa Rica University




The main purpose of this article is to provide conceptual elements to understand the dynamics of local commercialization of small doses of crack, cocaine, and marijuana in Costa Rica. Three are the key ideas of the paper. First, market category is a powerful tool to understand these economic transactions mainly for two reasons. On one hand, because it allow us to visualize that such industry is part of a bigger business and as such, it needs to be understood within the glocal chain where it takes place. On the other hand, it helps us to comprehend that, as in any other market, there are rules structuring its functioning. Second, drug selling represents for its protagonists a social practice oriented to obtain the necessary resources to dispute a place in society; this means that this activity is not only about seeking access to material gains but also, and above all, symbolic ones; specifically, prestige and recognition. Third, violence serves as a structural mechanism to regulate these markets. However, the real meaning it has for its protagonists is to honor the moral commitments they have acquired with colleagues, friends and kin. 


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Author Biography

Rodolfo Calderón Umaña, Costa Rica University

Doctor of Social Sciences. Professor-researcher at the School of Sociology, University of Costa Rica.



How to Cite

Calderón Umaña, R. . (2022). Local drug markets crimes in Costa Rica: Keys analytics for understanding. Teoría Y Praxis, (36), 105–125. https://doi.org/10.5377/typ.v1i36.14188


