Social Movements in Argentina: nineties to today. Origin, development and prospects


  • Saúl Luis Casas Profesor de Problemas de Historia Americana. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina.



Argentina, structural reforms, neoliberalism, social movements, kirchnerismo


This article describes the process that led to the formation of some social organizations emerging from the 90s in Argentina is analyzed. After implementing a series of political and social measures from the government of Carlos Saul Menem over the period 1989-1999. It will be seen how the earliest forms of protest and resistance to the government and the transformation that were operating in the period regarding their demands and forms of collective action were developed. It will be an explanation of the role played by these organizations in the situation that led to the fall of the government of the Alliance (1999-2001). Later the situation of these social movements in the transition to the government of Néstor Kirchner since 2003 and the current place of respect to the government of Cristina Fernandez will. The study ends with a reflection on the scope and implications of current actions of these social organizations in Argentina.

TEORÍA Y PRAXIS No. 27, Junio-Diciembre 2015; 31-47


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How to Cite

Casas, S. L. (2016). Social Movements in Argentina: nineties to today. Origin, development and prospects. Teoría Y Praxis, (27), 31–47.