The role of philosophy to the ideologies of Ignacio Ellacuría


  • Marcelino R. Rojas Profesor de Antropología Filosófica, Universidad Don Bosco



Philosophy, ideology, ideologization, historization, liberation


In this article the subject of the role of ideology in philosophy before Ellacuría is. This is not an attempt to make a historical overview of the concept of ideology. Nor is it an attempt to analyze the similarities or differences between different authors. Perhaps the latter may be the task of a thesis, but not the end of this article. The fundamental purpose is to stress upon the philosophical vision of Ellacuría at the real phenomenon of ideologies, and a personal touch, and not merely make a mechanical repetition of the ideas of one or many authors. To this end I will concentrate on three texts, two of them corresponding to Marx and one of Ellacuría. Also, to start an index with a range of topics and subtopics was drawn, however, when the trial was going to develop a new structure emerging, although the basic ideas are the same.

TEORÍA Y PRAXIS No. 27, Junio-Diciembre 2015; 69-74


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How to Cite

Rojas, M. R. (2016). The role of philosophy to the ideologies of Ignacio Ellacuría. Teoría Y Praxis, (27), 69–77.