Response of the floc in the growth of juvenile white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei under experimental conditions: commercial diet with floc vs commercial diet without floc in semi-intensive production system


  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



Floc, Juvenile shrimp farming


Target. To determine the effect of floc on the growth of juvenile white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei under experimental conditions: commercial diet with floc vs. commercial diet without floc in a semi-intensive production system. Materials and methods. To determine which treatment presented the greatest growth, physical-chemical factors (dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity and pH) and population parameters (Accumulated Growth, Growth Rate, Growth Rate, Feed Conversion Factor, Survival and Productive Yield) were taken. ). These data were collected in 27 days where the juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp had an initial weight of 1.5 g in both treatments. Results. According to the results, the following is presented: the treatment with floc acquired a final growth of 5.3 gr, obtaining an average of 3.8 gr, while the treatment without floc reached a final growth of 4.6 gr, obtaining an average of 3.1 gr. . Conclution. The treatment with floc gained more biomass due to the protein complement of the floc in the commercial diet, while the treatment without floc gained little biomass since they only had the protein from the commercial feed; When using statistical analysis, it was found that p>0.05 supported that growth is greater when floc is added to the feed.



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Author Biographies

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Research group in:Marine and Aquaculture Research Laboratory (LIMA), León, NicaraguaFaculty of science and technology


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How to Cite

Ing.Carolina, Ing. Katherin, & MSc. Claudia. (2015). Response of the floc in the growth of juvenile white shrimp litopenaeus vannamei under experimental conditions: commercial diet with floc vs commercial diet without floc in semi-intensive production system. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 6(1), 80–89.


