Contribution of research carried out in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies UNAN-León, to territorial development


  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León



University, Research, Contribution, Development, Territory


If it is considered that university research is oriented to human and scientific transformation, the actions developed in the framework of it, should exercise some incidence at the social level, including the researchers themselves. The objective of this paper is to analyze the research carried out by teachers and graduates of the FCT and its impact on the development of the municipality of León, 2013-2015 period. It is a study with a mixed, descriptive and retrospective approach. The information was collected by doing; documentary review, surveys to researchers, beneficiaries and interviews to the beneficiaries of the research results, the data was processed in; EXCEL, SPSS and ArcGIS. There were 283 researches carried out in the 9 careers offered by the Faculty; of these, 260 were carried out by graduates and 23 by teachers, in 23 municipalities of 11 departments of the country, having a greater presence in León, in university institutions (37.9%), followed by community (28.6%), private companies (21.4). 26% received funding, 89.5% were presented in more than one Scientific event. The results of the research have contributed most to the university, especially in academics, since it allowed teachers and students to participate in research processes and participate in scientific events. Its contribution being limited to the development of the municipality of León, due to the low disclosure and transfer of results.


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Author Biographies

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies

, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Faculty of Sciences and Technologies


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How to Cite

Martha, Marcos, & Adalila. (2018). Contribution of research carried out in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies UNAN-León, to territorial development. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 9(1), 1–7.


