The impact of the student's environment on their intentions to start a company when you finish your studies
Entrepreneurship, Intention, Context academicAbstract
The academic field Universities among their objectives have the commitment to provide society with professionals who respond to the demands and needs of the competitive environment in which they will have to perform, so it is important to know what are the determinants that lead and drive a university student to start a company after finishing his studies. This research aims to analyze the impact of the student's environment on their intentions to create a company when they finish their studies, for which a sample of 189 students from the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, course 2019, has been used, with an approach exploratory , uses the descriptive-correlational design, since it not only describes the sociodemographic characteristics of the entrepreneur in the Faculty, but also determines the influence of some factors (Motivation, Resources and Environment) on the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and the willingness to self-employment . The results indicate that both motivation and the university environment have a determining influence on attitudes and, in turn, significantly determine the student's entrepreneurial intention.
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