System engineering, UNAN-León, through the use of ICT
Teaching-learning, Flipped-classroom, virtual-classrooms, Moodle, ICTAbstract
This research aims to demonstrate the importance of education invested in the teaching-learning process, in the different careers of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León. Meanwhile , inverted education turns the media into dynamic resources capable of improving the transmission , assimilation and construction of knowledge , enhancing the student 's cognitive levels , helping us with a virtual learning environment such as Moodle . In some groups of students, a partial blurring of interest in their learning was observed, for this reason the application of a learning method was carried out that motivates them and adapts to a new learning model. For this study, a group of students from the system engineering career, structured programming component II year, with an amount of 30 students who allowed to assess the inverted classroom method through the use of ICT, specifically of a Moodle virtual classroom. The satisfaction survey was applied to these 30 students, with 27 students responding to this instrument, showing that they prefer this methodology instead of the traditional ones. The behavior of the results of the survey with respect to the flipped classroom model, the students answered in an approximate of 48% totally agree, 46% agree, 3% neither agree nor disagree and 3% disagree . Likewise, they verbally comment
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