Cultural and Linguistic Exchange between Ethnic groups of the Language and Literature Career, of the UNAN-LEÓN
Interculturality, customs, traditions, language, Caribbean Coast.Abstract
The Interculturality Policy of the Legislative Power states that interculturality consists of the definition and orientation of the processes in which the National Assembly establishes mechanisms for dialogue and communication based on respect for cultural differences, peoples, and knowledge to strengthen institutional development. , democracy, justice, ethnic pluralism, equality, respect and guarantee of Human Rights, strengthening the multi-ethnic nature of the Nicaraguan people within a unitary State.
Coexistence between cultures is a struggle that is experienced every day from different contexts. Interculturality has among its indicators a sustained relationship through exchange. Therefore, the main characteristics of some of the ethnic groups of the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua are presented, since many young people arrive at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua - León, where they adopt different cultures when interacting with young people from other areas of the country.
In order to know and learn a little more about their customs, traditions and language of origin, different activities were carried out such as: gastronomic coexistence, cultural club among others, where students of the Language and Literature career from the Caribbean area from Nicaragua shared stories, jokes, dances and food recipes from their place. Likewise, the investigative group shared: legends, dances and food from the city of León.
The coexistence allowed to know the importance of cultural exchange for a better adaptation and communication with others, generating a better interaction between people. In addition, designing a manual of cultural elements, which was translated with the help of students in the Miskito and Mayagna languages.
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Pp. 13
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