Prevalence and risk factors of hypertension in the Nicaraguan population.


  • Dr. Edgar Gerardo Delgado Téllez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Dra. Johana Maria Delgado Arauz National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Irma Mara Aráuz Lazo National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Yaraceli de los Angeles Delgado Aráuz National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • MSc. Dulce María Oviedo Martínez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • MSc. Alicia Samanta Espinoza Palma National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Dra. Teresa de Jesús Alemán Rivera National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León
  • Dra. Dania María Pastora Bucardo National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Dr. Andrés Emiliano Herrera Rodríguez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.



Hypertension, prevalence, risk factors, low- and middle-income countries, Nicaragua.


Introduction High blood pressure is a chronic disease that is increasing in the world and constitutes a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and significantly increases the costs for health systems in low-income countries. A great opportunity that Nicaragua has is the strength of the organization of health services, materialized in the family and community health care model (MOSAFC) of Nicaragua, which allows the linking of the country's institutions in the resolution of health problems and these data generated in this study will contribute to the strengthening of country policies for the care, control and prevention of non-communicable diseases such as arterial hypertension that increase morbidity and mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases. Objective To determine the prevalence and associated factors of arterial hypertension in ≥ 20 years in nine urban departmental capitals of Nicaragua. Design and method A cross-sectional design was carried out with a nested case-control analysis. The data were obtained from a population survey that randomly selected 3150 participants, using multistage probabilistic sampling in nine urban departmental capitals of Nicaragua. Cases were individuals with high blood pressure (Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) ≥ 140 mm Hg and/or Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) ≥ 90 mm Hg), or 2) Participants using antihypertensives, previously diagnosed as hypertensive, even though normal blood pressure was recorded. Controls were chosen using the random number table taking three controls at random, but with normal blood pressure. In the end, the population consisted of 576 cases and 1728 controls. Results The overall prevalence was 18.3%, being higher in men (19.9%) compared to women (17.4%). The multivariate analysis included the variables that were significant in the bivariate model, resulting in the adjusted OR that explained the arterial hypertension model were: age 40-80 years (OR: 4, 95% CI: 3.2-5.1), illiterate/primary education level (OR: 1.5, 95% CI: 1.1-1.9), alcohol consumption (OR: 1.3, 95% CI: 1. 1-1.6) and diabetes (OR: 2.6, 95% CI: 2.0-3.5), resulting significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions The prevalence of hypertension in the Nicaraguan urban population is 18%, and the main risk factors associated with hypertension are age ≥ 40 years, illiterate/primary level of education, alcohol consumption, and diabetes.



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Author Biographies

Dr. Edgar Gerardo Delgado Téllez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MD, MPH. Investigator. Center for Research in Demography and Health.
Department of Internal Medicine. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Leon, Nicaragua.

Dra. Johana Maria Delgado Arauz, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MD, Researcher. Faculty of Medical Sciences, León, Nicaragua.

Irma Mara Aráuz Lazo, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

MD, Researcher. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, León, Nicaragua.

Yaraceli de los Angeles Delgado Aráuz , National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MD, Researcher. Faculty of Medical Sciences, León, Nicaragua.

MSc. Dulce María Oviedo Martínez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

MSc. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medical Sciences. Center for Research in Demography and Health.

MSc. Alicia Samanta Espinoza Palma, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Faculty of Dentistry. Research Center in Demography and Health.

Dra. Teresa de Jesús Alemán Rivera, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León

Center for Research in Demography and Health. Department of Microbiology. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Leon, Nicaragua.

Dra. Dania María Pastora Bucardo, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Center for Research in Demography and Health.
Department of Pediatrics. Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Leon, Nicaragua.

Dr. Andrés Emiliano Herrera Rodríguez, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

M.D., Ph.D. researcher. Center for Research in Demography and Health.
Principal Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Leon, Nicaragua.


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How to Cite

Delgado Téllez, D. E. G. ., Delgado Arauz, D. J. M. ., Aráuz Lazo, I. M. ., Delgado Aráuz , Y. de los A., Oviedo Martínez, M. D. M. ., Espinoza Palma, M. A. S. ., Alemán Rivera, D. T. de J., Pastora Bucardo, D. D. M. ., & Herrera Rodríguez, D. A. E. . (2023). Prevalence and risk factors of hypertension in the Nicaraguan population. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 14(1), 19–26.