Diagnosis of entrepreneurship in university students at UNAN-León from the Creative Economy approach


  • Roberto Sánchez Aguilar National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • María Paola Barrios Valle National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.
  • Victor Lainez Altamirano National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.




challenges, entrepreneurship, university students, motivation, entrepreneurial.


Entrepreneurship among university students is becoming increasingly important, as it has been shown that their skills, aptitudes and motivations are related to the academic environments and programs that foster the entrepreneurial spirit. To their extent, these entrepreneurial efforts often go unnoticed, since, although universities may have programs and curricular components related to entrepreneurship, they sometimes lack updated databases of entrepreneurs, making decision-making difficult. . related to university policies on entrepreneurship. The objective of this study is to identify and describe entrepreneurship in university students at UNAN-León from the perspective of Creative Economy. The design is quantitative and census that covers all students enrolled in the regular modality at the León headquarters. 290 entrepreneurial students were identified, with a predominance of women; Most of the students are from the department of León and the urban area. The characteristics of the business highlight a high percentage (50.3 %) of marketing of physical products, relatively new ventures (54.5 % are less than a year old) and half of the businesses do not have formulated plans.All of them are microenterprises that belong to the tertiary sector (retail trade), 78.5 % are in the Creative Economy sector «MIPYMES» and 25.9 % are located in the ISIC classification «4782: retail sale of textile products, clothing clothing and footwear in sales stalls and markets». The initial investments in most do not exceed $250 dollars, they come from own capital, with current assets below $500 dollars. Finally, students identify time management and market competition as main challenges and 77.2 % have never sought advice for their business. The objective of this study is to identify and describe entrepreneurship in university students at UNAN-León from the perspective of Creative Economy. The design is quantitative and census that covers all students enrolled in the regular modality at the León headquarters. 290 entrepreneurial students were identified, with a predominance of women; Most of the students are from the department of León and the urban area. The characteristics of the business highlight a high percentage (50.3 %) of marketing of physical products, relatively new ventures (54.5 % are less than a year old) and half of the businesses do not have formulated plans. All of them are microenterprises that belong to the tertiary sector (retail trade), 78.5 % are in the Creative Economy sector «MIPYMES» and 25.9 % are located in the ISIC classification «4782: retail sale of textile products, clothing clothing and footwear in sales stalls and markets». The initial investments in most do not exceed $250 dollars, they come from own capital, with current assets below $500 dollars. Finally, students identify time management and market competition as main challenges and 77.2 % have never sought advice for their business.



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Author Biographies

Roberto Sánchez Aguilar, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Center for Research in Economics and Development CIE. Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

María Paola Barrios Valle, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Center for Research in Economics and Development CIE. Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Victor Lainez Altamirano, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.

Center for Research in Economics and Development CIE. Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Aguilar, R., Barrios Valle, M. P., & Lainez Altamirano, V. (2024). Diagnosis of entrepreneurship in university students at UNAN-León from the Creative Economy approach. Universitas (León): Revista Científica De La UNAN León, 15(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5377/universitas.v15i2.18844


