Permanent information system in oral health through the integration of teaching, research and extension
dental caries, periodontal disease, information system.Abstract
Dental caries and periodontal disease constitute a burden on the health sector in many countries and affect people throughout their lives. National background was carried out since 2007, however, considering that the family and community health model in Nicaragua has strengthened the health system, it is essential to monitor and update the epidemiological behavior of these pathologies in the population, as a health supply. public and decision making. This study aims to integrate substantive functions of teaching, research and university extension using ICTs through a multidisciplinary team of teachers and students in the area of Dentistry and Technology. Objective: structure a permanent information system, based on the web, on epidemiological indicators in oral health. Methodology: For information on epidemiological data in oral health, a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, using data from 507 patients, captured during the academic components Professional Practices IV and V of the dentistry career collected in the MINSA health centers. The WHO oral health survey was used as a basis for the development of the instrument, adding variables according to the objectives of the study. The data collected and the field visits allowed the development of an asynchronous web application under the responsibility of the Technology team of developers. Epidemiological indicator results, the prevalence of caries and periodontal disease was 92.5 and 76.5 % respectively, community DMFT of 8.3 teeth affected by dental caries and average age 37.2 years among the patients treated. Web Development of the Permanent Oral Health Information System: Preliminary results are presented regarding the design of functionalities and the architecture of the system.
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