About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Universidad y Ciencia of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua), is a scientific journal, published every six months. Its field of action is aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students of the UNAN-Managua and researchers (as) National and International. The journal opens the publication of scientific articles, review articles, letters to the editor, state of the art, and scientific essays. The articles to be published must correspond to the areas of knowledge of: Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Humanities. In addition, in all cases it must deprive the academic scientific content.

Peer Review Process

  1. Scientific papers will be sent with a letter of solicitation directed to the Editor of the journal, which states that the document submitted is a product of unpublished research.
  2. The referral is sent by the principal author or in his absence by one of the coauthors, where reference to agreement with the authors of this article, requested publication.
  3. Once the item is shipped proof of receipt and notification that it will be judged over a period of approximately one month for the external peer reviewers. The peer reviewers shall have a maximum of 30 days to render an opinion on the article asked.
  4. The peer reviewers will issue a recommendation that can be directed as follows: a) the item is accepted in full without any amendment, b) the item is accepted after correction or clarification of any doubts or recommendations of the evaluators, c) article was rejected for publication in this magazine.
  5. The editor of the journal after the comments of the reviewers, sent in writing to the author's approval or otherwise the recommendations for improvement or rejection of the article under discussion.
  6. The authors make amendments with a maximum of 30 days for this activity.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to their content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.