I explore, activate, contextualize and share in the Nicaraguan secondary education learning process
Evaluation, Didactic strategy, Interdisciplinarity, MathematicsAbstract
This descriptive essay addresses the applicability of the EACC strategy in the seventh grade of secondary education, whose acronym stands for: I Explore and Express my Ideas; Cognitive Activity, Applied Context, and I Share my Learning; with the purpose of creating an interdisciplinary subject that encompasses Education, Learning, Entrepreneurship, Prospering (EAEP), and Mathematics, though it can also be done with other subjects in the curriculum in close connection with the pedagogical practice which originated in 2021, whose title is “Interdisciplinary Relationship of the Didactics of Mathematics as a Science in Favor of Development With Other Subjects (RECIENTEC - UNAN-Managua; Regional University Center of Matagalpa)”, which presents guidelines and arguments to achieve interdisciplinarity. This antecedent was put into practice with the students, based on problem solving, the use of the PhET Simulator, the application of shared evaluation instruments, and the development of frameworks such as the linking of contents. The application of the strategy allowed both effective and affective communication between teachers and students, establishing the integrated planning of the class and its evaluations. Among the main significant findings, the creation of accounting tables for savings, the development of generic EAEP and grade-level competencies in Mathematics, and the learning of first-degree equations in the transposition of terms with the use of technology were evident. These elements allowed to conclude that interdisciplinarity and the integration of knowledge serve the lives of students.
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