Scattering ecology and recruitment of tropical humid forests


  • Javier Ruiz Programa Científico Complementario - PCC



Ecological research, Forest resources, Human resources development, Natural hazards, Seed dispersal


This article indicates the results of a research program, in which the procedures and mechanisms involved in the dynamic regeneration of the tropical humid forest, are quantified and analyzed. The results of the field observation indicate that the seeds were accumulated by bats in palm trees, where they rest. A fraction of these seeds was eaten by land mammals and another part was dispersed, for it was not found. The scattering of the seeds by land mammals reduced their mortality. The results indicate that the seed dispersal far from the closest congeneric tree its correlated with high survival rates of seedlings and low damage rates caused by insectivorous herbivory. The existence of spiders in the seedlings was correlated with low levels of insectivorous herbivory. The sprout, which is the subsequent growing stage, presented a random recruitment distribution and low insectivorous herbivory rates.



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Author Biography

Javier Ruiz, Programa Científico Complementario - PCC

Camoapa, Boaco 1975. Doctor en Ecología y Biología Evolutiva (Ph.D.) por la Universidad de Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). Master en Ciencias (M.Sc.) en Ecología y Biología Evolutiva por Universidad de Michigan. M.Sc. en Forestaría Tropical por la Universidad de Wageningen (Wageningen, Holanda). Licenciado en Ecología y Recursos Naturales por la Universidad Centroamericana (Managua, Nicaragua). Autor de múltiples artículos de investigación científicas en revistas nacionales e interacciónales. Participó como coordinador académico en talleres y cursos de campo en la Costa Atlántica organizados por el Centro de Investigación y Documentación de la Costa Atlántica, Universidad de Michigan y URACCAN de 1995 a 2007. En la actualidad es el coordinador del Programa Científico Complementario, una iniciativa que pretende mejorar el estado de las ciencias naturales en Nicaragua a partir de la educación publica. Un listado con de sus publicaciones puede encontrarse en el sitio:



How to Cite

Ruiz, J. (2010). Scattering ecology and recruitment of tropical humid forests. Wani, (59), 17–28.


