Interculturality in the Discourse of the Miskito Children in Corn Island


  • Amanda Minks



In this article, the author begins her examination about interculturality among Miskito children in Corn Island, which are based on ethnographic and linguistic-anthropologic researches that she performed in 2002 and 2003. The transcribed interactions conscientiously disclose how the Miskito children combined the traditional knowledge and the one from the media, as well as the multilinguism and the imaginative game in their everyday speech in Corn Island. It is proposed that the interculturality is not only a pedagogy promoted by regional and transnational institutions, but also a daily communication practice, based on the stories of interaction and exchange. The official interculturality discourse has been a way to negotiate the cultural differences among educational institutions in the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast and other places. Nevertheless, the interculturality practice emerges in daily interaction, which provides native resorts for the dialogue and the identity.


Wani No.59 2009 pp.31-49


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Author Biography

Amanda Minks

Indiana, Estados Unidos, 1974.
Profesora Asistente en el Honors College de la
Universidad de Oklahoma, afiliada a las facultades
de antropología, estudios nativoamericanos y
estudios de mujeres. Hizo estudios de posgrados
en la Universidad Columbia en Nueva York, donde
estudió etnomusicología y antropología lingüística,
doctorándose en etnomusicología en 2006. Realizó
investigaciones en Corn Island en 2002 y 2003 con
la afiliación de IPILC-URACCAN. Actualmente está
terminando un libro sobre las prácticas expresivas de
los niños miskitos en Corn Island y sigue trabajando
en Nicaragua en las áreas de la cultura expresiva, la
política cultural y los medios de comunicación.



How to Cite

Minks, A. (2011). Interculturality in the Discourse of the Miskito Children in Corn Island. Wani, 59, 31–49.


