Unity of purpose: growth and development among youth and communities partnering with the Education for Success program


  • Deborah Robb Taylor




Formal and non-formal education, Bluefields, Nicaragua, Integral Development Program, Children and youth at social risk Bluefields, South Atlantic Autonomous Region, Youth , Citizen participation


The author of this article analyzes the results to date, of the Education for Success Program, taking as reference the objectives of the Program, the analyses on the conditions of risk and vulnerability of youth included in this issue of the Journal, interviews to participants and collaborators of the Program, and the statistics that reflect the gradual process of progress in the development of the capacities of adolescents and youths that integrate the Program.


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Author Biography

Deborah Robb Taylor

Deborah Robb Taylor: Bluefields (Nicaragua), 1965. Periodista habilitada por la Universidad Federal del Ceará en Brasil y maestra en Ciencias Aplicadas al Desarrollo, por la Universidad de Tulane en Estados Unidos. Durante los años 80 fue redactora del periódico Sunrise de Bluefields, de semanario Barricada Internacional y de la Revista Pensamiento Propio en Managua. Autora del libro de historia oral The Times & Life of Bluefields: An Intergenerational Dialogue. Actualmente labora para la Fundación para la Autonomía y Desarrollo de la Costa Atlántica de Nicaragua (FADCANIC) como especialista de comunicación y visibilidad del Programa Educación para el Éxito.



How to Cite

Taylor, D. R. (2016). Unity of purpose: growth and development among youth and communities partnering with the Education for Success program. Wani, (69), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.5377/wani.v69i0.2950


