Bats (Cheiroptera) of the Centro de Transfe￾rencia Agroforestal CeTAF, in Bluefields


  • Eduardo Siu Estrada Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
  • Billy Ebanks Mongalo Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
  • Juan Suárez Sánchez Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
  • Jordan Ch. Octavio Saldaña Bluefiels Indian & Caribbean University
  • Yury Aguirre Obando Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University
  • Enoc Rivas S. Bluefields Indian & Caribbean University



Chiroptera-caribbean cost (Nicaragua), Taxonomic characterization


This investigation is a contribution to enrich the data about the mammals of the country. Until now a taxonomical characterization of the species of bats existing in the Nicaraguan Caribbean has not been carried out. In this issue of Wani we have the pleasure of publishing a study that identifies a list of species of Cheiroptera that are present in the Autonomous Region of the South Caribbean. To carry out the study two areas of sampling were established and a mist net of standard size (12 m x 2.5 m y 30 mm of net light) was placed in each one. 11 species of bats were captured and identified, belonging three families and four sub-orders. Among these some were insectivorous and other feed on fruits.


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How to Cite

Siu Estrada, E., Ebanks Mongalo, B., Suárez Sánchez, J., Octavio Saldaña, J. C., Aguirre Obando, Y., & Rivas S., E. (2018). Bats (Cheiroptera) of the Centro de Transfe￾rencia Agroforestal CeTAF, in Bluefields. Wani, (73), 66–71.