The cultural diversity nurtures the autonomy and the unity in the diversity


  • Myrna Cunningham Kain



Caribbean Culture, Cultural Identity, Right to self determination, Traditional culture


This article Is the speech delivered In the Introductory act of the "Cultural Notebooks Collection: Identities and Cultural Patrimony". This collection gathers the expressions and tangible cultural resources, as well as the intangible ones of the Indigenous v1Uages and ethnic communities of the Nicaraguan Caribbean. Besides making a brief description of this interesting publication process, in this mediation, the author proves It In the cultural politics frame of Intonational organisms, such as the UN and the UNESCO, which combined with the cultural politics of the Nicaraguan government. made possible the Implementation of the United Program of the Cultural Revitalization. The results of this Program were the saving, validation. revitalization and defense of the ancestral cultural expressions, which included the publication of this Important cultural collection.   


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Author Biography

Myrna Cunningham Kain

Bilwaskarma, RAAN, 1946. Graduada en Medicina por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua y directora de Investigaciones del Ministerio de Salud. Jugó un papel importante durante la consulta y desarrollo de la autonomía de las regiones autónomas y en el proceso de pacificación del Caribe nicaragüense. Fue delegada de la Presidencia de la República para la RAAN entre1987 y 1989; integrante del Consejo Regional Autónomo de la RAAN y Rectora fundadora de la universidad URACCAN. Coordinó, en Nicaragua, la Campaña Continental 500 años de Resistencia Indígena, Negra y Popular y , en mayo del 2011, fue electa Presidente del Foro Permanente para las Cuestiones Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas.



How to Cite

Kain, M. C. (2012). The cultural diversity nurtures the autonomy and the unity in the diversity. Wani, (66), 6–10.


