Mechanisms that guarantee the early registration of the newborn in the State Registry Family as a way to protect their right to identity in the city of Santa Ana




Right to identity, early registration, birth place, right to name, birth record, municipal city hall


The birth of a person carries a series of obligations, being the first of them their registration in the Family Status Registry corresponding to their place of birth, or in the place where the parents have their domicile. This constitutes a right of all individuals, since with this the newborn is recognized as a legal personality. By not registering him or her. He or she is considered as not subject to rights. This situation prevents the child from accessing all the other fundamental human rights.
The research developed in the department of Santa Ana was based on available documentary information and interviews conducted with actors involved in the subject, in order to implement an analysis about the effectiveness of the mechanisms that guarantee the early registration of the newborns in the Family Status Registry. This problem is momentous, inasmuch as the right to identity and identification is fundamental for the person In this sense, the State is the first that has to guarantee that newborns are identified in a timely manner, through the application of agile and simple procedures.
It is this entity the one that must implement and strengthen bonds between the governmental and non-governmental institutions involved in the process; as well as creating suitable mechanisms that allow it. It was proved that the current administrative processes, developed by some public health institutions, are not sufficiently effective in the achievement of this purpose. It is necessary to create or improve existing ones in addition to having a suitable and complete
procedure for the early registration of the newborn.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Orellana Villalobos, Catholic University of El Salvador

Research professors of the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities of the Catholic University of El Salvador

Karina Beatriz Orellana Villalobos, Catholic University of El Salvador

Research professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Universidad Católica de El Salvador



How to Cite

Orellana Villalobos, J. C., & Orellana Villalobos, K. B. (2020). Mechanisms that guarantee the early registration of the newborn in the State Registry Family as a way to protect their right to identity in the city of Santa Ana. Anuario De Investigación: Universidad Católica De El Salvador, 9, 13–27.


