The innovation of tourism companies in El Salvador


  • Rocío Estéfani Portillo de Reyes Catholic University of El Salvador
  • Víctor Hugo Quintana García Catholic University of El Salvador
  • Ada Roxana Torres de Acevedo Catholic University of El Salvador



Touristic innovation, processes, goods and products, marketing, organization


Globally, the tourism sector increases year by year the volume of people who travel and the amount they invest; El Salvador is not the exception. The country has strengthened its efforts with policies, programs and investment to support the development of the sector. A strategy for companies is to innovate to improve their competitiveness in the market. For this reason, a descriptive research was carried out that evaluated the subject in four areas: products and services; processes, organization and marketing. The objective of the research was to study the efforts made by companies in the field of innovation. To do this, businesspersons from the sector were consulted in order to prepare a diagnosis of the activities related to the subject and their sources of knowledge. Two main barriers to innovation were identified: lack of financial resources and the high cost of investment.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Estéfani Portillo de Reyes, Catholic University of El Salvador

Teacher in Educational Counseling, Research Teacher.

Víctor Hugo Quintana García, Catholic University of El Salvador

Master in Educational Counseling, Research Professor

Ada Roxana Torres de Acevedo, Catholic University of El Salvador

Teacher in Educational Counseling, Research Teacher



How to Cite

Portillo de Reyes, R. E., Quintana García, V. H., & Torres de Acevedo, A. R. (2020). The innovation of tourism companies in El Salvador. Anuario De Investigación: Universidad Católica De El Salvador, 9, 123–134.


