Accompaniment of primary groups in teaching-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic




Accompaniment, primary groups, Covid-19, teaching-learning, psychological and emotional impact


The study describes the accompaniment that the primary groups had in the teaching-learning process in the students of Universidad Católica de El Salvador during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this, a survey was applied to students from the four faculties of the Santa Ana campus, and professionals in psychology from the units of the Salvadoran Institute of Professional Training (INSAFORP) and the Office of Psychological and Educational Counseling of the same University were interviewed.

It was found that the type of support that the family provided to the students was comprehensive, because it included economic, emotional, technical and dedicated time. In the case of classmates, the relationship was weakened due to the suspension of face-to-face classes, since the interaction is not the same as if it were in faceto-face mode. The social group with less relevance for the student during the first year of the pandemic were the neighbors; in the sense that all families were confined to their homes and interaction could not take place.

It is necessary that, given the uncertain scenario of the end of the pandemic by Covid-19, a psychological support plan for the student is established; so that the teaching-learning process is carried out in the best way and thus obtain one of the most expected results: graduating a comprehensive professional.


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Author Biography

Marni Lorena Hernández Monterroza, Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Licenciada en Sociología y Maestra en Gestión Ambiental
Docente investigadora, Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades



How to Cite

Hernández Monterroza, M. L. (2022). Accompaniment of primary groups in teaching-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anuario De Investigación: Universidad Católica De El Salvador, 11(1), 35–50.


