The literary experience in the continuous teacher training in Artistic education


  • Mario Zetino Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado
  • Marta Eugenia Valle Contreras Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado
  • Manuel | Alfaro Sifontes Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado



art education, teacher education, teachers’ writing, action research, biocentric model, biocentric education


The paper narrates an investigation which objective was to favor the development of capacities and competencies in a process of teacher training in art education through the literary experience. The study, of an experimental and qualitative type, was developed by means of the action research methodology, through a teacher training module, which was validated with the teaching staff of a rural school. In the search for an integral process, both technical and human, the module used the methodology of the Biocentric Education (proposed by Rolando Toro). The results were an experiential knowledge of the participating teachers about literature, an experience of planning by competencies for the subject of Art Education, a consolidation of the teacher’s work community and a validated proposal for a teacher training module in Art Education. Conclusions are that an integral experience of literature, that is to say that transcends the conceptual and focuses on the experiential, has the potential to positively influence the teaching practice, from generating states of well-being and promoting affective and creative capacities and empowerment, both individual and group, in a teaching team.


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Author Biography

Mario Zetino, Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado

Lic. In Letters. Researcher in Literary Studies and Education Center for Research in Sciences and Humanities (CICH) Doctor José Matías Delgado University



How to Cite

Zetino, M., Valle Contreras, M. E., & Sifontes, M. | A. (2021). The literary experience in the continuous teacher training in Artistic education. AKADEMOS, 25–44.