Historiography of modern minimal housing in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador: the years of urban modernization


  • Juan Carlos Chicas Molina Universidad Doctor José Matías Delgado




Popular housing, historiography, urbanism, desarrollismo, Latin America


The article reviews the evolution of popular housing in San Salvador, which will become in the 90´s of the 20th century the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, in the light of the evolution of popular housing since its origins in the Modern European industrial city, seeking for establishing a framework for the understanding of Salvadoran urbanarchitectural development in a documented way. “Desarrollismo”, as a socio-political context of urban evolution in Latin America, provides an essential register to understand the industrial take-off of the midtwentieth century in the region and that Will consequently help to create the conditions for the development of the city’s housing of masses. Likewise, it seeks for documenting the projects of the Urban Housing Institute, which created a dynamism in the construction sector, which marks the expansive course and the contemporary Salvadoran metropolis.

AKADEMOS, Año 11, Vol. 1, No 28, Enero-Junio 2017: 50-77


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Chicas Molina, Universidad Doctor José Matías Delgado

Coordinador de Investigaciones de la Escuela de Arquitectura



How to Cite

Chicas Molina, J. C. (2017). Historiography of modern minimal housing in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador: the years of urban modernization. AKADEMOS, 1(28), 50–77. https://doi.org/10.5377/akademos.v1i28.6158



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