Sustainable city planning in El Salvador in adaptation to climate change and ordering systemic territorial


  • Jaime Eduardo Escobar Salmerón Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado



Sustainable planning, adaptation, climate change, systemic territorial ordering and inclusive cities


The article delves into the vision of the planning of cities in El Salvador for the 21st century from a sustainable approach, which must be seen not only in the traditional projection of construction of cities in relation to physical space principles and criteria, but from a more integrative approach that involves the response to the most recent challenges facing our populations, such as: climate change and land use planning.
Both conditions involve solving problems in dimensions such as: the economy, social inclusion, the environment and citizen participation; aspects that agglutinate future ways of solving problems of spatial marginalization and exclusion of precarious human settlements, which, in turn, obliges us to reinvent and revitalize urban planning for a sustainable and integral future through the true appropriation of these.
In addition, the article assumes an analysis for a paradigm shift in terms of the orientation that the policies should have in the matter of projection and construction of cities that, in a systemic perspective, shape the interrelationship between all the systems of life in the planet linked to those external components such as: climate, geology and its interrelation with the cosmos.
Finally, it concludes the need to create an awareness initiative in the design practices of innovative cities to incorporate them into transcendental actions that focus on the resolution of environmental challenges that mark the conditions of global climate change and non-dependence today towards fossil fuels, reconverting them to the incorporation of passive energy or renewable systems; or planning compact sustainable cities (non-dispersed) with quality services aimed at socio-spatial development that is inclusive and habitable from an environmental point of view and productive economic growth through decent housing and the right to security.


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Author Biography

Jaime Eduardo Escobar Salmerón, Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado

Architect and Researcher in Environmental and Territorial Management of the Center for Research in Sciences and Humanities (CICH) of the Dr. José Matías Delgado University.



How to Cite

Escobar Salmerón, J. E. (2019). Sustainable city planning in El Salvador in adaptation to climate change and ordering systemic territorial. AKADEMOS, 1(30), 53–66.



Analysis Articles