About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Conocimiento Educativo is the institutional magazine of the Direction of Research and Social Projection, under the seal of UNICAES EDITORES, which is in tune with the institutional plan and vision of the Universidad Católica de El Salvador (Catholic University of El Salvador). The magazine was born in 2014 with an annual periodicity.

Conocimiento Educativo is an open publication, which disseminates research and reflections made by the authors in the fields of Education and Pedagogy to contribute to the development of educational thinking and the debate of them. That is why it is aimed at education professionals, interested in their continuous professionalization and improvement of their educational practices. It should be noted that what is written by each author is the sole responsibility of each one of them.

The published works will be characterized by their methodological theoretical solidity, their relevance and practical relevance about those factors or elements that affect the training of students. In this the teacher is an important pillar within the classrooms, since it serves as a guide of the teaching-learning process; besides being the one who encourages and creates a favorable environment for students to build their own learning.

Peer Review Process

All articles are reviewed by the Scientific - Editorial Coordination, which verifies compliance with the criteria requested for publication. After this review, the documents are sent to the Scientific Arbitration Committee. The process under which the articles are arbitrated corresponds to the double blind modality, in order to issue an opinion with the least possible subjectivity, providing quality and credibility to the content. For each article, a total of three specialist arbitrators are assigned within the theme.

The distribution of the referees may vary depending on the number of specialists, the subject (multidisciplinary approach) and the scope of it. The Editorial Coordination of the journal takes a maximum of 60 days to review the content aspects and notify the author about its acceptance, observation and / or rejection of the article. Accepted the articles and made the adjustments and the precisions to that it would have place, these happen to grammatical and orthographic correction, in whose process the particular style of each author is respected. This correction is of form, never of content. In addition, each referee must attach the evaluation form of the article.

In special cases, in which the author (authors) receives a notification with observations and they do not comply with them, the publication or rejection of the article is at the editor's discretion.

Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is made up of an authority with institutional links and professionals external to the university, who verify the relevance of each of the topics, in terms of the institutional philosophy and the correspondence of the same to the research lines contemplated within the Research Policy and Social Projection of the university.

Scientific Arbitration Committee
The professionals that are part of the Scientific Arbitration Committee are selected according to their experience and contributions within the different topics. Once the evaluation process has been carried out by the selected arbitrators, the Editorial Committee reviews the results of these evaluations and decides (within a maximum period of 2 weeks) if the article is accepted or rejected, in accordance with the criteria of the arbitrators.

This committee is organized and led by the editor; In addition, it has the particularity of being variable in terms of quantity and the members that comprise it, since it responds to the topics that are presented within each edition and the contributions that the editor considers necessary. The members of this committee can have both institutional and external linkage, but comply with the principle of specialization within the area in which their support is requested.

For the assignment of the arbitrators is taken as a principle of selection, not only their correspondence within the area, but also that their maximum academic degree is equivalent or greater than the professional who evaluates.

Article accepted
To be published within Educational Knowledge, each article must add a minimum amount of 75 points to be accepted. In the case of receiving the final acceptance of the manuscript, the author will be notified by email, enclosing the consolidated arbitration process. After this the document will go through the Style Correction process.

Article accepted with observations
This happens when the article obtains the minimum required score, but the arbitrators consider that certain adjustments must be made to the content of the article. In this case, the author will receive the notification via email, enclosing the consolidated arbitration process within which the relevant modifications will be specified. The requested changes to the document must be sent by the author within a maximum period of eight calendar days.

Some considerations regarding the accepted article with observations:

  1. If the observations made by the arbitrators may not be complied with by the author, if he considers that they do not apply within the framework of his investigation. If so, the author must send along with his modified article, a clarification of the reason for said actions.
  2. If the author has difficulties in delivering the corrected article, he must notify the Editorial Coordination in good time. This may grant an extension of up to 15 calendar days maximum, as the case may be.
  3. If in spite of being assigned an extension, the author did not send his article with the requested modifications, the article will not be published.

Article rejected
It is applied when the article not only has not complied with the minimum percentage of acceptance, but also does not meet any of the following requirements:

  • The article does not conform to the institutional philosophy.
  • The theme includes ethical faults (when an autoplaggio is carried out, when duplicate publications are made or fragmented manuscripts are taken).
  • The document does not conform to the publication (in terms of subject, line, focus).
  • The article is speculative; It has no scientific quality.
  • The theoretical basis (citation) does not correspond or is in accordance with the references.
  • The methodology is weak (poor study design and / or non-representative sample)
  • The analysis of the data is weak and does not pay to the understanding of them.
  • It does not make a substantial contribution to knowledge.
  • Does not present the structure according to the specifications requested by the publication.
  • The conclusions are not supported by the results.

Depending on the circumstances, a rejected article may be reelected for the next edition of the journal, with the commitment to improve any of the above points. In this case, the article will be submitted to the same process.

Appeal process
If an author is convinced that an incorrect decision has been made regarding his article, EDUCATIONAL KNOWLEDGE allows him to submit a single appeal. The appeal must be sent with detailed information about the reasons why the initial decision was wrong.

The situation will be addressed by the Editorial Board of the journal within a period of one month, in order to verify the validity of the arguments. In some cases, the process may involve a new revision of the article. The new decision is considered final, and the author will be notified within a maximum period of three months.

Special considerations

  • In the writing of articles it is preferred that the use of gender language in the designation of people and / or animals be expressed through gender male, because the use of this is explicit enough to encompass individuals of both sexes, whether singular or plural.
  • The editor is the one who has the authority and authority to publish or reject the research articles, after having passed an arbitration process.
  • All work sent to the journal must first go through an evaluation and arbitration process, according to the criteria contemplated in Annex 1.
  • Any modification of the articles with respect to content will be duly consulted with the author and / or authors to carry them out.
  • The texts will be original and should not be considered for publication in another national or foreign journal and / or book. Nor should they be published in digital repositories or similar public domain, formal or informal.
  • Each author who contributes a published article, will receive a copy of the volume in which his article appears and a record of his participation.
  • Once the article has been published in the journal, the author can disseminate communications or opinion articles about that same research in another journal or medium, as long as reference is made to its original source.
  • Before any legal consultation, see the Privacy Policy and use of the information of UNICAES.

Publication Frequency

Conocimiento Educativo is published since 2014 with an annual periodicity.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps in a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Editorial Board

Director y Editor
Nery F. Herrera Pineda
Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Corrección de Estilo 
Wendy V. Canizales Aparicio
Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Traducción al Inglés 
Cristian Enrique Meléndez
Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Diseño y Diagramación 
Francisco J. Sandoval Viana
Universidad Católica de El Salvador

Iris M. Salinas Díaz 

Comité Científico

Ciro Parra Moreno
Doctor en Pedagogía
Decano de la Facultad de Educación
Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia

Francisco Javier Vergara
Doctor en Historia de la Educación
Profesor de Historia de la Educación
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España

Gilberto Alfaro Varela
Ph.D, con especialidad en investigación científica
Profesor en el doctorado en Educación de la Universidad de Costa Rica y consultor para la CECC/SICA y para el Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de Costa Rica (SINAES), Costa Rica

Jaime Osmín Trigueros Chávez
Máster en Asesoría Educativa
Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Universidad Católica de El Salvador, El Salvador

Lilia E. Sarmiento
Ph.D. Education: Language, Literacy and Learning
Associate Professor
California State University (CSU) Dominguez Hills, Estados Unidos de América

María Soledad Ramírez Montoya
Doctora en Educación y en Psicología de la Educación: Instrucción y Currículo
Profesora investigadora titular Escuela de Graduados en Educación
Tecnológico de Monterrey, México