Management styles of the principals of educational centers of the Basic School Education of the city of Luque in the year 2020




Educational management, principals, conditioning factors, functions


The processes in the organization and management of educational centers materialize through management models with an open, flexible and participatory approach, responding to the needs that the educational situation requires. The objective of this study is to determine the management styles of managers in educational centers in the city of Luque, Republic of Paraguay, during the period 2020.

In order to know the profile of these educational managers, it aims to identify the main functions performed, as well as specify what are the conditioning factors that influence management. A descriptive, quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and temporal scope research is developed.

First, a bibliographic review is carried out on the topic addressed; Subsequently, a survey has been generated for its consequent application to 63 principals, in order to obtain the results that allowed the analysis and interpretation of these. As a main finding, it is highlighted that the majority are Contest Winning Principals, especially women who enter the professional career. In this way, it has been possible to validate the hypothesis initially raised, since the Principals of Educational Centers favor styles of management and participatory leadership focused on concrete actions to improve educational management.


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Author Biographies

Eva Malvina Borja Von Schmeling, Universidad Nihon Gakko, Fernando de la Mora

Magister en Ciencias de la Educación, Técnica - Supervisión Educativa Área 11-13, Luque

Hugo Daniel Yahari, Universidad Nihon Gakko, Fernando de la Mora

Máster Universitario Especializado del Profesorado, Técnico Pedagógico - Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias; Docente, Facultad de Educación



How to Cite

Borja Von Schmeling, E. M., & Yahari, H. D. (2022). Management styles of the principals of educational centers of the Basic School Education of the city of Luque in the year 2020. Conocimiento Educativo, 9(1), 11–24.


